September 3, 2024

Common Encryption Myths Debunked: What You Really Need to Know

With an increasing reliance on technology and the cloud to store our information, data encryption has become a critical concern nowadays. Despite our knowledge on the topic and the importance it has for our safety, many people and businesses still fall prey to common encryption myths. These misconceptions, which contrast sharply with reality, can give a false sense of security, leading to inadequate protection and increasing vulnerability.

Myths can, in some cases, be a good thing for people, providing a sense of belief in something important. However, many myths about encryption are not beneficial; in fact, they can be rather dangerous and devastating. Today, we put our most important data and personal information into our tiny devices, assuming it will stay safe there. We use these same devices to keep in contact with people in every aspect of our lives, often connecting them to WiFi networks without knowing whether they are safe or not.

Given our dependence on these devices, it’s even more important for people to navigate this digital age with caution. Unfortunately, many of the myths circulating about encryption result in less precaution being taken. Some may avoid using encryption, thinking it’s too complex, or believe that storing everything in the cloud will keep it safe. Not true!

In this post, we aim to debunk some of the most common myths regarding encryption to increase readers’ security and provide practical advice. To help take our online security seriously, we will offer concrete solutions that can tackle cybersecurity problems. Even in difficult times, with increasing threats, encryption tools like AxCrypt can assist in keeping us safe online.


Myth 1: Only large companies are targeted in cyberattacks

A common misconception is that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) aren’t frequent targets of cyberattacks. Media coverage tends to focus on data breaches at large corporations, leading many to believe that smaller businesses are safe. However, the reality is quite different—many SMBs report being attacked, and some studies suggest that small businesses are three times more likely to be targeted than large ones.

AxCrypt has a comprehensive protection for businesses. AxCrypt’s business plan is tailored for companies of all sizes, ensuring that even SMBs can prevent data breaches.

Myth 2: A good password is enough

While strong passwords are important, relying solely on a password, even a complex one, leaves your data vulnerable. Hackers continuously develop new methods to crack passwords, making it crucial to implement a multi-layered defence strategy. Two-factor authentication, encryption, and regular updates are essential to safeguarding your information.

Beyond just managing passwords, AxCrypt encrypts all your files, securing your information in the cloud and on your devices—even if your passwords are compromised.

Myth 3: You’ll know immediately if your computer is compromised

Many people believe that they will recognize the signs of a cyberattack as soon as it occurs. However, modern malware is often designed to be stealthy, operating undetected for extended periods. This delay increases the potential damage as sensitive data can be compromised without your knowledge.

This is what we call peace of mind with file encryption. Cyberattacks may be hard to stop, but with AxCrypt, your data remains safe regardless of what happens to your devices.

Myth 4: Deleting files is enough to secure your data

Deleting a file from your computer doesn’t completely erase it. Residual data often remains, and skilled individuals can recover these “deleted” files. Simply hitting “delete” isn’t enough to ensure your sensitive information is gone forever.

AxCrypt possesses a permanent deletion with wipe file feature, ensuring no trace is left when you delete a file, keeping your sensitive data out of reach.

Myth 5: Encryption solutions aren’t worth it

Some organizations and individuals underestimate the value of encryption software, assuming they can manage without it. However, given the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, the cost of encryption software is minimal compared to the potential losses from data breaches, ransomware, or other cyber incidents.

AxCrypt has consistently aimed to offer an affordable security solution without sacrificing protection. With AxCrypt, you get all these powerful features at a budget-friendly price, making it a wise investment in your digital security.

Myth 6: Encryption is Only for Tech Experts

There’s a misconception that encryption is too complex for the average person. However, many modern tools and applications offer easy-to-use encryption features, often running in the background without requiring technical expertise.

AxCrypt is one of the most popular encryption software on the market, with over 20 million downloads worldwide. For AxCrypt, it was important to appeal to the average person to reach a wide, universal audience. That’s why the software has consistently been developed to be user-friendly while possessing the most robust encryption available. This is why AxCrypt is often described as a seamless encryption option.

Myth 7: All Encryption is the Same

People often believe that all forms of encryption provide the same level of security. In reality, different encryption methods offer varying levels of security.

AxCrypt provides several types of Encryptions:

AES-256 Encryption - AES-256 encryption is a form of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) that uses a 256-bit key to encrypt and decrypt data. This is the most robust encryption service on the market.

Symmetric Key Encryption - AxCrypt utilizes symmetric key encryption, meaning that the same password (key) is required to both encrypt and decrypt files.

Password management - AxCrypt’s Password Management service significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your online accounts.

Integrated Key Management - AxCrypt also offers a key management feature, where users can securely share encrypted files with others by managing keys within the software.

Myth 8: Encryption Slows Down Systems Significantly

While encryption does add some processing overhead, modern encryption services like AxCrypt are designed to handle it efficiently. The impact of AxCrypt on performance is minimal and often unnoticeable.

Myth 9: Encryption is Only Necessary for Sensitive Information

This myth leads to the assumption that only things like financial data or personal identity information need to be encrypted.

The fact is that by keeping all data encrypted, sensitive information will be kept even safer. Seemingly non-sensitive information can be valuable to attackers, and data breaches of non-sensitive information can be used to commit an attack on sensitive data.

Myth 10: You Don’t Need to Encrypt Data Stored in the Cloud

Some believe that cloud service providers will handle all aspects of security, including encryption. While some providers do offer encryption most of them don’t have complete protection.

AxCrypt has been vocal in debunking this myth. This misconception may be dangerous since cloud software services often give the impression of being a completely secure option. That’s why AxCrypt has been outspoken about this issue and has ensured synchronization with all major cloud software services (OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).

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