Pour les détails complets et pour suivre les problèmes de l'applications de bureau Windows et de la bibliothèque de base, allez voir le fonds Bitbucket. Le registre des changements pour Android, iOS et Mac font référence à des suivis de problèmes qui ne sont pas publics. Les sommes cryptographiques SHA-256 se trouvent ici.
Windows Desktop 2.1.1692 2024-08-28
Windows Desktop 2.1.1689 2024-08-24
Windows Desktop 2.1.1687 2024-08-21
Bug fixes, usability enhancements and improvements.
Windows Desktop 2.1.1684 2024-08-19
Added group sharing feature, update master key with groups with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-3420: Implement Group sharing and update master key by group(s)
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Windows Desktop 2.1.1675 2024-05-03
Changes with choosing encrypt file properties, key share file selection, and enhancements.
AXC-3491: Windows: Allow user to opt File Properties for Encryption
AXC-3322: Allow users to choose unencrypted files to encrypt and key share
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Android 3.0.1121 2024-03-12
Android 3.0.1120 2024-03-11
Added push notification with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1870: Android: Implement push notification
Android 3.0.1105 2024-03-04
Android 3.0.1101 2024-02-29
Allow free users to create passwords, usability enhancements and improvements.
Android 3.0.1089 2024-02-09
Add link to password guide page in the information popup, usability enhancements and improvements.
iOS 3.0.142 2024-01-25
Android 3.0.1085 2024-01-22
Added share secrets, text maintenance with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1935: Implement share secrets
Windows Desktop 2.1.1647 2023-11-27
Add Password Manager product, bug fixes and improvements.
AXC-2813: Send Feedback button should redirect to AxCrypt Forum
AXC-1398: Default language should be used while creating My AxCrypt folder in a documents folder
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Android 3.0.1054 2023-11-07
Library updates and improvements.
Android 3.0.1047 2023-10-20
Android 3.0.1043 2023-10-14
Add Password Manager product, usability enhancements and improvements.
Android 3.0.1033 2023-09-22
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-2512: Adding update payment methods button.
iOS 3.0.119 2023-09-03
Android 3.0.1028 2023-09-01
Improve password manager stability, usability enhancements and improvements.
iOS 3.0.110 2023-08-30
Android 3.0.1014 2023-08-25
Add password manager and minor update with usability improvements.
AXC-1251: Add Password Manager in mobile apps.
iOS 3.0.106 2023-06-29
Android 3.1.04(3.0.1004) 2023-06-28
Android 3.0.996 2023-06-20
Fix of app crash due to Android API change, minor updates and bug fixes.
AXC-1056: Choose multiple files for different file actions.
AXC-2133: Update libraries in xamforms.
Android 3.0.981 2023-05-09
Upgrade the app to support it android 13 and improvements.
iOS 3.0.92 2023-03-17
Android 3.0.97(3.0.944) 2023-03-10
Android 3.0.96(3.0.936) 2023-03-04
Add support for OneDrive, usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-34: Integration with OneDrive to secure and key share files
AXC-1537: Update copyright year to 2023
AXC-1550: Add Arabic language as a language option
Windows Desktop 2.1.1636 2023-01-23
Changes with language addition and usability enhancements.
AXC-1493: Add Arabic language as a language option
AXC-1537: Update copyright year to 2023
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Windows Desktop 2.1.1634 2022-09-21
macOS Desktop 2.2.804.0 2022-09-21
macOS Desktop 2.2.802.0 2022-09-21
Changes in key share user interface design, bug fixes with usability improvements.
AXC-1219 Redesign the key sharing dialog
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
macOS Desktop 2.2.796.0 2022-08-11
macOS Desktop 2.2.795.0 2022-08-11
Changes in user interface design, bug fixes with usability enhancements and improvements.See Windows Desktop release 2.1.1629 for details.
Windows Desktop 2.1.1633 2022-07-26
Changes in user interface design, bug fixes with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1157: Implement refresh functionality in share Key.
AXC-1261: Signup link broken in other languages
AXC-1270: All translation issues of some tabs, Hyperlinks, buttons text in 11 languages
AXC-1272: All Hyperlinks redirection pages is in English only for all the 12 Languages
AXC-1339: Allow drag and drop files when recent files list empty
AXC-1341: Apply sort for recent files size column
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Android 3.0.53(3.0.853) 2022-06-30
Android 3.0.57 (3.0.857) 2022-07-02
Android 3.0.59 (3.0.859) 2022-07-05
iOS 3.0.42 2022-07-07
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1135: iOS: Implement account deletion
AXC-1242: Android: Local file encryption and share key bug fixes
AXC-1290: Update copyright year
AXC-1297: Add YouTube icon and help side menu
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Windows Desktop 2.1.1630 2022-06-08
Minor update with usability enhancements.
AXC-1159: Implement cached unshared user list auto-complete dropdown in share key dialog.
Windows Desktop 2.1.1629 2022-05-18
Changes in user interface design, bug fixes with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-965: Change password button redirect to account site
AXC-1142: Design changes in desktop apps
AXC-1154: Redesign the key sharing in desktop
AXC-1161: Update copyrights year to 2022
AXC-1182: Restrict free users to use secure delete from windows file explorer
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
iOS 3.0.32 2022-05-09
Android 3.0.39(3.0.839) 2022-05-08
Minor update with improvements.
AXC-1169: Implement In-App review
iOS 3.0.30 2022-03-25
Android 3.0.25(3.0.825) 2022-03-25
Minor update with usability enhancements, support for share key and various changes.
AXC-1119: Implement share key in mobile
AXC-1147: Adopt dark mode
iOS 3.0.24 2022-03-02
Android 3.0.8(3.0.820) 2022-03-02
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
iOS 3.0.18 2022-02-25
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1099: Implement new design of purchase page
AXC-1147: Adopt dark mode on recent files
Android 3.0.5(3.0.805) 2022-02-10
Minor update with usability enhancements.
AXC-926: Add local storage file encryption/decryption for android
iOS 3.0.12 2022-01-25
Android 3.0.4(3.0.803) 2022-01-25
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1074: Redesign of start screens and popups in mobile app
AXC-1133: Fix Dropbox authorization
iOS 3.0.4 2021-12-30
Android 3.0.2(3.0.799) 2021-12-29
New layout and design of the user interface, support for google drive and dropbox file encryption/decryption and various changes.
AXC-30: Add Google Drive file encryption/decryption
AXC-32: Add Drop Box file encryption/decryption
AXC-448: Mobile version open to all users
AXC-1074: Redesign of start screens and popups in mobile app
AXC-1082: Remove trial popup on new user sign-in and add trial info to Upgrade menu item instead
AXC-1093: Remove verification code part in mobile signup
iOS 2.1.726 2021-12-04
Android 2.1.793 2021-12-03
iOS 2.1.725 2021-12-03
iOS 2.1.724 2021-12-01
Android 2.1.789 2021-11-08
iOS 2.1.723 2021-11-04
iOS 2.1.721 2021-11-03
New layout and design of the user interface, support for google drive and dropbox file encryption/decryption and various changes. See iOS release 3.0.4 for details.
macOS Desktop 2.2.764.0 2021-06-16
New layout and design of the user interface
AXC-830: Implement new design in MacOs app
Windows Desktop 2.1.1618 2021-06-01
Minor update with usability enhancements.
AXC-875: Swap the add more users and priority support button positions
AXC-895: Expired subscription popup in windows app
macOS Desktop 2.2.759.0 2021-05-04
Minor update with usability enhancements
AXC-361: Notarize the MacOS app
Windows Desktop 2.1.1617 2021-04-15
New layout and design of the user interface
AXC:831: Implement new design in windowss
Android 2.1.749 2021-04-06
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-436: Align the loading wheel to center
iOS 2.1.699 2021-03-11
Android 2.1.743 2021-03-10
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-432: Implement new mobile app design
Windows Desktop 2.1.1615 2021-03-10
New design look and feel
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
AXC-807: Use new colors in the desktop apps
macOS Desktop 2.2.750.0 2021-03-10
New design look and feel
AXC-807: Use new colors in the desktop apps
iOS 2.1.691 2021-02-19
Android 2.1.734 2021-02-18
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-785: Mobile apps dark mode fixes
Windows Desktop 2.1.1612 2021-02-18
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
AXC-784: Rename reset button and change it's position on login screen
macOS Desktop 2.2.739.0 2021-02-18
Minor update with bug fixes, usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-799: Update old links in installation steps
Windows Desktop 2.1.1611 2021-02-02
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-715: Add language choice on first start of the app
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
macOS Desktop 2.2.736.0 2021-02-02
Minor update with bug fixes, usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-193: Update the feedback and check for updates icon
AXC-715: Add language choice on first start of the app
iOS 2.1.684 2021-02-02
Android 2.1.727 2021-02-02
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-771: Add manage AxCrypt account link in My AxCrypt ID
AXC-772: Add copyright notice with year etc. in About page
Windows Desktop 2.1.1609 2021-01-19
iOS 2.1.683 2021-01-19
Android 2.1.721 2021-01-19
Minor update with bug-fixes and improvements. See macOS Desktop release 2.2.734.0 for details.
macOS Desktop 2.2.734.0 2021-01-13
Minor update with usability enhancements and maintenance work.
AXC-706: Add Chinese
AXC-739: Upgrade visual studio and its tools to latest
AXC-757 Update copyright year
iOS 2.1.682 2020-12-30
Android 2.1.718 2020-12-30
Various bug-fixes, refactoring, updated build support, updated dependencies and tooling, changes due to changes in common code.
#137: Update Xamarin Forms to latest
#162: iOS: Full file name is not visible in remove file popup
#174: Implement In-App Purchase
#175: Improve the design of sign-in and sign-up pages
#178: iOS: Implement cancel auto renewal when user requests
#179: Implement debug options
AXC-85: Password field hidden by keyboard on iPhone Pro phones
AXC-134: Rename project and assemblies for AxCrypt in pm2go project
AXC-462: Add master key in Mobile apps
AXC-740: Upgrade target version to latest
macOS Desktop 2.2.732.0 2020-12-29
Minor update with usability and stability enhancements, various bug-fixes and maintenance work.
AXC-72: Desktop apps updates
AXC-134: Rename Axantum to AxCrypt in all projects and assemblies
AXC-460: MacOs app should add master key if present
AXC-694: Change the 'Change password' menu option in the app to be a link to the account password change page instead
AXC-688: Redesign new user subscription buy flow
Windows Desktop 2.1.1608 2020-12-16
Minor update with various bug-fixes, refactoring, performance improvements and maintenance work.
AXC-134: Rename Axantum to AxCrypt in all projects and assemblies
AXC-457: Master key feature for business subscription
AXC-512: Change info on account support page based on the subscription level
AXC-602: Translations and Texts Maintenance
AXC-694: Change the 'Change password' menu option in the app to be a link to the account password change page instead
AXC-695: Change the design of signup/login flow in the app
Windows Desktop 2.1.1606 2020-10-01
Minor update with various bug-fixes, refactoring, performance improvements and maintenance work.
AXC-134: Rename Axantum to AxCrypt in all projects
AXC-384: Add new API's to support AppStore purchase
AXC-425: Translations and Texts Maintenance
AXC-483: Replace trial in desktop apps with just information and a link to buy-page (logged in if possible)
AXC-515: Add extra parameter in Login link to trigger purchasing information
Windows Desktop 2.1.1598 2020-06-25
Minor update with usability and stability enhancements, various bug-fixes, refactoring, performance improvements and maintenance work.
#186: Add option to disable recent files
#242: Upgrade to latest NUnit
#374: Update copyright year in about
#459: Downgrade encryption level when updating document on Free plan
#465 : Key share icon should use the selected files in the recent files list
#53: Translations and Texts Maintenance
#61: Code Maintenance
iOS 2.1.588 2020-01-17
Minor update with bug-fixes and improvements. See iOS release 2.1.587 for details.
iOS 2.1.587 2019-12-23
Minor update with bug-fixes, updation of build support and dependencies, relocation of icons, and changes due to changes in common code and most importantly framework updates to the most current versions.
#111: Update Dependencies
#160: IOS: Terms & Conditions link should redirect to AxCrypt terms and conditions
#163: IOS: Line should be visible between each files in recent files list
#164: IOS: Getting an exception when opening an encrypted file
#165: IOS: Left side menu should get highlighted when selecting the menu options
#166: IOS: File selection dialog should be fit to the screen in iPad
#15: Code Maintenance [axcrypt-xamforms]
Android 2.1.608 2019-12-06
Various bug-fixes, refactoring, updated icons, updated build support, updated dependencies and tooling, changes due to changes in common code and most importantly framework updates to the most current versions.
#111: Update Dependencies
#155: Build as 64-bit
#156: Upgrade android target version to latest
#157: Change the icons position in the android app
#158: Key share icon should be visible when opening the encrypted files with file password
#162: Full file name is not visible when removing from the recent files list
#15: Code Maintenance [axcrypt-xamforms]
macOS Desktop 2.2.668.0 2019-09-05
Minor update with usability and stability enhancements, various bug-fixes and maintenance work.
#173: The clean open files broom icon is not shown in the recent files list
#175: Check for update should always pop up a dialog
#176: “Get Premium” is missing from Help Menu
#189: When inviting a user, allow the inviter to select recipient language and include personal message
#190: Add subscription status and validity time in About box
#191: Add restore original name
#192: Add option to clear the recent files list
#193: Key share icon should display in recent files tab once key share the file
#194: Enable open file while logged out
#195: Enable ‘Change Password’ even when signed out
#196: Add a ‘Reset’ button to the sign in dialog so a user can change the email
#197: Add possibility to remove key sharing recipients from the list of known recipients
#198: Remove from Recent Files list options are enabled when file is open and decrypted
#200: Key Sharing does not work when working [local] and this should be indicated
#201: Key share new recipient should not allow the viewers to type the email address
#202: Refresh account status when going from offline to online
#203: When signing in [Local] a pop-up message should be displayed
#204: Clean Broom button does not work
#207: Implement Check and Verify File options under the Debug Menu
#208: Increase Mac target to 10.9 Maverick
#209: Update copyright year in about
#211: Invitation dialog
#212: Do not allow user to exit the AxCrypt app when encrypted files are pending
#213: Code changes to do not allow the app to open the encrypted compressed zip/rar files
#217: Should have a context menu option to remove the selected secured folder(s)
#12: Code Maintenance [axcrypt-xwt]
Windows Desktop 2.1.1585 2019-05-23
Minor update with usability and stability enhancements, various bug-fixes, refactoring and maintenance work.
#206: Invitation dialog
#226: Remove from Recent Files list options are enabled when file is open and decrypted
#349: Drag and dropped files to recent files do not display decrypted file name
#369: Info dialog about opening without asking is displayed even when asking for file password
#374: Update copyright year in about
#388: Max button size is too small
#423: Enable ‘Change Password’ even when signed out.
#431: Desktop notification when a lengthy operation has completed.
#433: Warning popup when skipping ignored files
#441: Enable open file while logged out
#442: Update Code Signing certificate
#445: When inviting users, allow the inviter to select recipient language
#446: When inviting a user, a free-text-field should be included for a personal message
#447: Help button missing in initial information signup dialog
#448: Password reset disabled after local reset
#449: Should hide/remove the share key icon after encrypting a file in the recent files tab.
#450: Key share icon should display in recent files tab once key share the file.
#451: Get premium/Try premium text should be translated when changing the languages.
#453: ArgumentOutOfRangeException when using close(x) icon to close the app startup alert popups
#456: Do not allow the user to exit the AxCrypt app when encrypted files are pending
#458: Error message should be displayed when the entered activation code is wrong
#53: Translations and texts maintenance