
我们尊重您的隐私。这是我们制作AxCrypt的主要原因之一。 我们也相信,作为我们的用户之一,您比普通计算机用户更关心这一点。

我们的隐私政策,当然,符合一般数据保护条例(GDPR)。 在本隐私政策中,我们提到我们对您的了解,我们如何处理这些信息以及我们为什么需要这些信息。 您可以随时撤回您的同意,并要求我们删除您的数据。 请访问我们专门的GDPR页面,了解有关该法规的更多信息。



  • 您的电子邮件。

  • 您的操作系统版本,即Windows Vista/2008/7/8/10 等。

  • 您选择的语言,即英语或法语等。

  • 正在安装的产品版本。

除了特定的注册信息,当设备联系HTTP服务器时,某些信息总是可用,我们会记录此信息。 这可能包括:

  • 您的IP地址。

  • 日期和时间。

  • 在我们的服务器上访问的URL。

我们还记录一些由服务器访问和内部过程确定的其他特定事件。 这包括:

  • 我们自动发送给您的电子邮件类型(激活,欢迎等)。

  • 发生意外错误(异常)时。

我们所有的服务器都位于瑞典。 我们不存储通过使用AxCrypt创建的任何信息,如上所述其他地方。 对于某些事件,会生成电子邮件,例如电子邮件提供商的未送达报告或错误日志。 这些电子邮件可能会发送给我们的员工,他们可能正在使用国际数据中心的商业电子邮件服务提供商。


当创建AxCrypt业务订阅时,我们会询问一些补充的信息。 这可能包括:

  • 地址

  • 增值税号码(适用于欧盟客户)

我们使用这些信息使欧盟公司的增值税抵扣成为可能,并在发票上显示。 此信息也在第三方客户关系管理(CRM)系统中进行管理。


这是很明显为什么我们需要一些信息。 我们尽量将记录和存储的信息量降至最低,除了您的电子邮件地址外,我们不存储任何个人或敏感信息。 您在我们的服务器上存储的任何机密信息都使用您的密码进行加密,我们不会存储或知道这些密码,除非在服务器交互期间短暂进行。

其他信息对我们来说是实用的,可以看到AxCrypt如何以及在哪里被使用,以便更好地确定开发的优先级。 它也给了我们一个很好的温暖的感觉,看到它被使用了多少!

当我们接收和处理支持请求时,我们还使用记录的信息来跟踪使用事件。 它已被证明对我们非常有帮助,并通过例如看到最后一次成功登录时提高了支持的质量。

Page and service functionality

Cookies are used in the operation and presentation of data from websites. Such cookies may include language code information for the language selected by the user. It can be cookies with information that supports the load balancing of the system so that all users are guaranteed the best possible experience. For services that require login or search, cookies can be used that ensure that the service presents data to the right recipient.

Web analytics and cookies

As an important part of the work of creating a user-friendly website, we look at the user pattern of those who visit the site. We analyze user behaviour to make the user experience better. The purpose of using cookies is therefore to improve the customer experience. To analyze the information, we use the analysis tool Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses cookies/cookies (small text files that the site stores on the user's computer), which records the user's IP address, and provides information about each user's online movement. Examples of what the statistics give us answers to are; how many people visit different pages, how long the visit lasts, which sites the users come from and which browsers are used. None of the cookies allows us to associate information about your use of the site with you as an individual. Cookie data is automatically deleted 14 months after registration. You can do it yourself and manage the use of cookies by adjusting settings on your browser. The information collected by Google Analytics is stored on Google's servers in the United States. Information received is subject to Google guidelines for Privacy. An IP address is defined as personal information because it can be traced back to a particular hardware and thus to an individual. We anonymize the user's IP address before the information is stored and processed by Google. Thus, the anonymized IP address cannot be used to identify the individual user. Your IP address is also logged for a short period by our web servers. The user's IP-address, time of day, website address, HTTP status, number of bytes sent, HTTP referrer and HTTP user agent is logged for 15 days. Beyond this point, the data is deleted.



We store information about which keywords users use on our sites through Google Analytics. The purpose of the storage is to make our information offer better. The usage pattern for search is stored in aggregate form. Only the keyword is stored, and they cannot be linked to other user information such as IP addresses.

Forum / Share/tips-service

The "Share with others'' features is voluntary and can be used to forward links to the site by email, or to share the content of social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Information about tips is not logged with us but is only used there and then to post the tip of the social networking site. However, we cannot guarantee that the online community will not log this information. All such services should, therefore, be used wisely. You may contact the relevant service provider or online community to receive information about its collection, use, processing, and personal data protection. If you use the email feature, we only use the e-mail addresses given to forward the message without any form of storage.


When you sign up with us, you do agree that we may send you occasional emails such as newsletters, offers and information about new and updated products and services from us. In order for us to be able to send an email, you must register an email address. The legal basis for processing for this purpose is consent, cf. GDPR Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a. This information is not shared with other businesses and is deleted when we are told that you no longer wish to receive information from us. You can opt-out, i.e. unsubscribe, at any time by clicking the link provided for this in such emails. HubSpot is our data processor for the newsletter.

Sharing information

We may share your information: With the public if you submit content to one of our forums, such as blog comments, social media posting, or other features of our services that are publicly visible; with third parties such as other sites that integrate with our API or our Services; or those with an API or service that we integrate with; Any necessary third party engaged by us, including data processors, vendors, consultants, marketing partners, and other service providers who need access to such information to perform work on our behalf; In response to an information request by a competent authority if we believe disclosure is under or otherwise required by applicable law, regulation, license or legal process; if we otherwise notify you and you consent to the sharing; and in an aggregate and / or anonymous form which cannot be reasonably expected to be used to identify you.

Social Media

In addition to this website, we maintain social media sites on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. If you visit one of these presences, personal data may be transmitted to the provider of the social network. We draw your attention to the fact that user data may be transferred to a server in a third-party country and may therefore be processed outside the European Union.

In addition to the storage of the specific data you have entered in this social medium, further information may also be processed by the provider of the social network. If you are logged into the network with your personal user account while visiting the corresponding website, this network can assign the visit to this account. The purpose and scope of the data collection by the respective medium and the further processing of your data there, as well as your rights in this regard, can be found in the respective provisions of the respective person responsible, e.g. below:

Transfer of data to third parties

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Hubspot HubSpot is an integrated software solution with which we cover various aspects of our online marketing activities, among contact management via the CRM system. The legal basis for the use of the services of HubSpot is our rightful interest according to art. 6 I f GDPR due to the optimization of our marketing measures and the improvement of our service quality on the website.

HubSpot meets the minimum requirements for legally compliant order data processing by concluding the European standard data protection clause. In addition, there is a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with HubSpot. This ensures that HubSpot uses the user’s data only within the framework of EU data protection standards and does not pass them on to third parties. For more information, please refer to HubSpot’s data privacy policy.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

我们的隐私政策可能会不时更新,恕不另行通知。 请在这里查看当前有效的政策。




Governing law and venue

This privacy statement is governed by Swedish law. Venue is Stockholm District Court.
