Windows Masaüstü uygulamasının ve çekirdek kütüphanenin tam ayrıntıları ve sorun takibi için bitbucket veri havuzuna gidiniz. Android, iOS ve Mac değişim günlükleri açık olmayan sorun izleyicilerini kastetmektedir. Kriptografik SHA-256 sağlama toplamları burada bulunmaktadır.
Windows Desktop 2.1.1693 2024-12-12
Bug fix and improvements.
AXC-4001: Windows desktop app shows offline status
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
iOS 3.0.162 2024-09-30
Improved file encryption, optimised sign-in flow, updated password manager and bug fixes. See Android Mobile release versions 3.0.1154, 3.0.1105, & 3.0.1089 for details.
Android 3.0.1154 2024-09-19
Improved file encryption, optimised sign-in flow, upgraded android target api and bug fixes.
AXC-1915: Implement group key sharing and master key with files
Windows Desktop 2.1.1692 2024-08-28
Windows Desktop 2.1.1689 2024-08-24
Windows Desktop 2.1.1687 2024-08-21
Bug fixes, usability enhancements and improvements.
Windows Desktop 2.1.1684 2024-08-19
Added group sharing feature, update master key with groups with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-3420: Implement Group sharing and update master key by group(s)
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Windows Desktop 2.1.1675 2024-05-03
Changes with choosing encrypt file properties, key share file selection, and enhancements.
AXC-3491: Windows: Allow user to opt File Properties for Encryption
AXC-3322: Allow users to choose unencrypted files to encrypt and key share
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Android 3.0.1121 2024-03-12
Android 3.0.1120 2024-03-11
Added push notification with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1870: Android: Implement push notification
Android 3.0.1105 2024-03-04
Android 3.0.1101 2024-02-29
Allow free users to create passwords, usability enhancements and improvements.
Android 3.0.1089 2024-02-09
Add link to password guide page in the information popup, usability enhancements and improvements.
iOS 3.0.142 2024-01-25
Android 3.0.1085 2024-01-22
Added share secrets, text maintenance with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1935: Implement share secrets
Windows Desktop 2.1.1647 2023-11-27
Add Password Manager product, bug fixes and improvements.
AXC-2813: Send Feedback button should redirect to AxCrypt Forum
AXC-1398: Default language should be used while creating My AxCrypt folder in a documents folder
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Android 3.0.1054 2023-11-07
Library updates and improvements.
Android 3.0.1047 2023-10-20
Android 3.0.1043 2023-10-14
Add Password Manager product, usability enhancements and improvements.
Android 3.0.1033 2023-09-22
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-2512: Adding update payment methods button.
iOS 3.0.119 2023-09-03
Android 3.0.1028 2023-09-01
Improve password manager stability, usability enhancements and improvements.
iOS 3.0.110 2023-08-30
Android 3.0.1014 2023-08-25
Add password manager and minor update with usability improvements.
AXC-1251: Add Password Manager in mobile apps.
iOS 3.0.106 2023-06-29
Android 3.1.04(3.0.1004) 2023-06-28
Android 3.0.996 2023-06-20
Fix of app crash due to Android API change, minor updates and bug fixes.
AXC-1056: Choose multiple files for different file actions.
AXC-2133: Update libraries in xamforms.
Android 3.0.981 2023-05-09
Upgrade the app to support it android 13 and improvements.
iOS 3.0.92 2023-03-17
Android 3.0.97(3.0.944) 2023-03-10
Android 3.0.96(3.0.936) 2023-03-04
Add support for OneDrive, usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-34: Integration with OneDrive to secure and key share files
AXC-1537: Update copyright year to 2023
AXC-1550: Add Arabic language as a language option
Windows Desktop 2.1.1636 2023-01-23
Changes with language addition and usability enhancements.
AXC-1493: Add Arabic language as a language option
AXC-1537: Update copyright year to 2023
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Windows Desktop 2.1.1634 2022-09-21
macOS Desktop 2.2.804.0 2022-09-21
macOS Desktop 2.2.802.0 2022-09-21
Changes in key share user interface design, bug fixes with usability improvements.
AXC-1219 Redesign the key sharing dialog
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
macOS Desktop 2.2.796.0 2022-08-11
macOS Desktop 2.2.795.0 2022-08-11
Changes in user interface design, bug fixes with usability enhancements and improvements.See Windows Desktop release 2.1.1629 for details.
Windows Desktop 2.1.1633 2022-07-26
Changes in user interface design, bug fixes with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1157: Implement refresh functionality in share Key.
AXC-1261: Signup link broken in other languages
AXC-1270: All translation issues of some tabs, Hyperlinks, buttons text in 11 languages
AXC-1272: All Hyperlinks redirection pages is in English only for all the 12 Languages
AXC-1339: Allow drag and drop files when recent files list empty
AXC-1341: Apply sort for recent files size column
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Android 3.0.53(3.0.853) 2022-06-30
Android 3.0.57 (3.0.857) 2022-07-02
Android 3.0.59 (3.0.859) 2022-07-05
iOS 3.0.42 2022-07-07
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1135: iOS: Implement account deletion
AXC-1242: Android: Local file encryption and share key bug fixes
AXC-1290: Update copyright year
AXC-1297: Add YouTube icon and help side menu
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
Windows Desktop 2.1.1630 2022-06-08
Minor update with usability enhancements.
AXC-1159: Implement cached unshared user list auto-complete dropdown in share key dialog.
Windows Desktop 2.1.1629 2022-05-18
Changes in user interface design, bug fixes with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-965: Change password button redirect to account site
AXC-1142: Design changes in desktop apps
AXC-1154: Redesign the key sharing in desktop
AXC-1161: Update copyrights year to 2022
AXC-1182: Restrict free users to use secure delete from windows file explorer
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
iOS 3.0.32 2022-05-09
Android 3.0.39(3.0.839) 2022-05-08
Minor update with improvements.
AXC-1169: Implement In-App review
iOS 3.0.30 2022-03-25
Android 3.0.25(3.0.825) 2022-03-25
Minor update with usability enhancements, support for share key and various changes.
AXC-1119: Implement share key in mobile
AXC-1147: Adopt dark mode
iOS 3.0.24 2022-03-02
Android 3.0.8(3.0.820) 2022-03-02
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
iOS 3.0.18 2022-02-25
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1099: Implement new design of purchase page
AXC-1147: Adopt dark mode on recent files
Android 3.0.5(3.0.805) 2022-02-10
Minor update with usability enhancements.
AXC-926: Add local storage file encryption/decryption for android
iOS 3.0.12 2022-01-25
Android 3.0.4(3.0.803) 2022-01-25
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-1074: Redesign of start screens and popups in mobile app
AXC-1133: Fix Dropbox authorization
iOS 3.0.4 2021-12-30
Android 3.0.2(3.0.799) 2021-12-29
New layout and design of the user interface, support for google drive and dropbox file encryption/decryption and various changes.
AXC-30: Add Google Drive file encryption/decryption
AXC-32: Add Drop Box file encryption/decryption
AXC-448: Mobile version open to all users
AXC-1074: Redesign of start screens and popups in mobile app
AXC-1082: Remove trial popup on new user sign-in and add trial info to Upgrade menu item instead
AXC-1093: Remove verification code part in mobile signup
iOS 2.1.726 2021-12-04
Android 2.1.793 2021-12-03
iOS 2.1.725 2021-12-03
iOS 2.1.724 2021-12-01
Android 2.1.789 2021-11-08
iOS 2.1.723 2021-11-04
iOS 2.1.721 2021-11-03
New layout and design of the user interface, support for google drive and dropbox file encryption/decryption and various changes. See iOS release 3.0.4 for details.
macOS Desktop 2.2.764.0 2021-06-16
New layout and design of the user interface
AXC-830: Implement new design in MacOs app
Windows Desktop 2.1.1618 2021-06-01
Minor update with usability enhancements.
AXC-875: Swap the add more users and priority support button positions
AXC-895: Expired subscription popup in windows app
macOS Desktop 2.2.759.0 2021-05-04
Minor update with usability enhancements
AXC-361: Notarize the MacOS app
Windows Desktop 2.1.1617 2021-04-15
New layout and design of the user interface
AXC:831: Implement new design in windowss
Android 2.1.749 2021-04-06
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-436: Align the loading wheel to center
iOS 2.1.699 2021-03-11
Android 2.1.743 2021-03-10
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-432: Implement new mobile app design
Windows Desktop 2.1.1615 2021-03-10
New design look and feel
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
AXC-807: Use new colors in the desktop apps
macOS Desktop 2.2.750.0 2021-03-10
New design look and feel
AXC-807: Use new colors in the desktop apps
iOS 2.1.691 2021-02-19
Android 2.1.734 2021-02-18
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-785: Mobile apps dark mode fixes
Windows Desktop 2.1.1612 2021-02-18
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
AXC-784: Rename reset button and change it's position on login screen
macOS Desktop 2.2.739.0 2021-02-18
Minor update with bug fixes, usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-799: Update old links in installation steps
Windows Desktop 2.1.1611 2021-02-02
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-715: Add language choice on first start of the app
AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance
macOS Desktop 2.2.736.0 2021-02-02
Minor update with bug fixes, usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-193: Update the feedback and check for updates icon
AXC-715: Add language choice on first start of the app
iOS 2.1.684 2021-02-02
Android 2.1.727 2021-02-02
Minor update with usability enhancements and improvements.
AXC-771: Add manage AxCrypt account link in My AxCrypt ID
AXC-772: Add copyright notice with year etc. in About page
Windows Desktop 2.1.1609 2021-01-19
iOS 2.1.683 2021-01-19
Android 2.1.721 2021-01-19
Minor update with bug-fixes and improvements. See macOS Desktop release 2.2.734.0 for details.
macOS Desktop 2.2.734.0 2021-01-13
Minor update with usability enhancements and maintenance work.
AXC-706: Add Chinese
AXC-739: Upgrade visual studio and its tools to latest
AXC-757 Update copyright year
iOS 2.1.682 2020-12-30
Android 2.1.718 2020-12-30
Various bug-fixes, refactoring, updated build support, updated dependencies and tooling, changes due to changes in common code.
#137: Update Xamarin Forms to latest
#162: iOS: Full file name is not visible in remove file popup
#174: Implement In-App Purchase
#175: Improve the design of sign-in and sign-up pages
#178: iOS: Implement cancel auto renewal when user requests
#179: Implement debug options
AXC-85: Password field hidden by keyboard on iPhone Pro phones
AXC-134: Rename project and assemblies for AxCrypt in pm2go project
AXC-462: Add master key in Mobile apps
AXC-740: Upgrade target version to latest
macOS Desktop 2.2.732.0 2020-12-29
Minor update with usability and stability enhancements, various bug-fixes and maintenance work.
AXC-72: Desktop apps updates
AXC-134: Rename Axantum to AxCrypt in all projects and assemblies
AXC-460: MacOs app should add master key if present
AXC-694: Change the 'Change password' menu option in the app to be a link to the account password change page instead
AXC-688: Redesign new user subscription buy flow
Windows Desktop 2.1.1608 2020-12-16
Minor update with various bug-fixes, refactoring, performance improvements and maintenance work.
AXC-134: Rename Axantum to AxCrypt in all projects and assemblies
AXC-457: Master key feature for business subscription
AXC-512: Change info on account support page based on the subscription level
AXC-602: Translations and Texts Maintenance
AXC-694: Change the 'Change password' menu option in the app to be a link to the account password change page instead
AXC-695: Change the design of signup/login flow in the app
Windows Desktop 2.1.1606 2020-10-01
Minor update with various bug-fixes, refactoring, performance improvements and maintenance work.
AXC-134: Rename Axantum to AxCrypt in all projects
AXC-384: Add new API's to support AppStore purchase
AXC-425: Translations and Texts Maintenance
AXC-483: Replace trial in desktop apps with just information and a link to buy-page (logged in if possible)
AXC-515: Add extra parameter in Login link to trigger purchasing information
Windows Desktop 2.1.1598 2020-06-25
Minor update with usability and stability enhancements, various bug-fixes, refactoring, performance improvements and maintenance work.
#186: Add option to disable recent files
#242: Upgrade to latest NUnit
#374: Update copyright year in about
#459: Downgrade encryption level when updating document on Free plan
#465 : Key share icon should use the selected files in the recent files list
#53: Translations and Texts Maintenance
#61: Code Maintenance
iOS 2.1.588 2020-01-17
Minor update with bug-fixes and improvements. See iOS release 2.1.587 for details.
iOS 2.1.587 2019-12-23
Minor update with bug-fixes, updation of build support and dependencies, relocation of icons, and changes due to changes in common code and most importantly framework updates to the most current versions.
#111: Update Dependencies
#160: IOS: Terms & Conditions link should redirect to AxCrypt terms and conditions
#163: IOS: Line should be visible between each files in recent files list
#164: IOS: Getting an exception when opening an encrypted file
#165: IOS: Left side menu should get highlighted when selecting the menu options
#166: IOS: File selection dialog should be fit to the screen in iPad
#15: Code Maintenance [axcrypt-xamforms]
Android 2.1.608 2019-12-06
Various bug-fixes, refactoring, updated icons, updated build support, updated dependencies and tooling, changes due to changes in common code and most importantly framework updates to the most current versions.
#111: Update Dependencies
#155: Build as 64-bit
#156: Upgrade android target version to latest
#157: Change the icons position in the android app
#158: Key share icon should be visible when opening the encrypted files with file password
#162: Full file name is not visible when removing from the recent files list
#15: Code Maintenance [axcrypt-xamforms]
macOS Desktop 2.2.668.0 2019-09-05
Minor update with usability and stability enhancements, various bug-fixes and maintenance work.
#173: The clean open files broom icon is not shown in the recent files list
#175: Check for update should always pop up a dialog
#176: “Get Premium” is missing from Help Menu
#189: When inviting a user, allow the inviter to select recipient language and include personal message
#190: Add subscription status and validity time in About box
#191: Add restore original name
#192: Add option to clear the recent files list
#193: Key share icon should display in recent files tab once key share the file
#194: Enable open file while logged out
#195: Enable ‘Change Password’ even when signed out
#196: Add a ‘Reset’ button to the sign in dialog so a user can change the email
#197: Add possibility to remove key sharing recipients from the list of known recipients
#198: Remove from Recent Files list options are enabled when file is open and decrypted
#200: Key Sharing does not work when working [local] and this should be indicated
#201: Key share new recipient should not allow the viewers to type the email address
#202: Refresh account status when going from offline to online
#203: When signing in [Local] a pop-up message should be displayed
#204: Clean Broom button does not work
#207: Implement Check and Verify File options under the Debug Menu
#208: Increase Mac target to 10.9 Maverick
#209: Update copyright year in about
#211: Invitation dialog
#212: Do not allow user to exit the AxCrypt app when encrypted files are pending
#213: Code changes to do not allow the app to open the encrypted compressed zip/rar files
#217: Should have a context menu option to remove the selected secured folder(s)
#12: Code Maintenance [axcrypt-xwt]
Windows Desktop 2.1.1585 2019-05-23
Minor update with usability and stability enhancements, various bug-fixes, refactoring and maintenance work.
#206: Invitation dialog
#226: Remove from Recent Files list options are enabled when file is open and decrypted
#349: Drag and dropped files to recent files do not display decrypted file name
#369: Info dialog about opening without asking is displayed even when asking for file password
#374: Update copyright year in about
#388: Max button size is too small
#423: Enable ‘Change Password’ even when signed out.
#431: Desktop notification when a lengthy operation has completed.
#433: Warning popup when skipping ignored files
#441: Enable open file while logged out
#442: Update Code Signing certificate
#445: When inviting users, allow the inviter to select recipient language
#446: When inviting a user, a free-text-field should be included for a personal message
#447: Help button missing in initial information signup dialog
#448: Password reset disabled after local reset
#449: Should hide/remove the share key icon after encrypting a file in the recent files tab.
#450: Key share icon should display in recent files tab once key share the file.
#451: Get premium/Try premium text should be translated when changing the languages.
#453: ArgumentOutOfRangeException when using close(x) icon to close the app startup alert popups
#456: Do not allow the user to exit the AxCrypt app when encrypted files are pending
#458: Error message should be displayed when the entered activation code is wrong
#53: Translations and texts maintenance