April 22, 2022

Cyber hygiene habits to stay safe online

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What is Cyber Hygiene?

The term “cyber hygiene” refers to the measures taken by users to improve their online security and system health. Adopting a security-focused mindset and practices that assist individuals and businesses in minimizing cyber attacks is referred to as cyber hygiene.

As a concept, cyber hygiene has grown in importance since the pandemic, as individuals working remotely throughout the world have increased cybercrime.

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Some of the common cyber hygiene issues:

Some of the issues that cyber hygiene is intended to solve are as follows:

  • Data breaches include risks from hackers, phishing, malware, and viruses.
  • Data loss — unbacked-up hard drives and online cloud storage might be exposed to hacking, damage, or other issues that result in data loss.
  • Out-of-date software can make your device more vulnerable to cyber threats.
  • Older antivirus – security software that hasn't been maintained up to date will be less effective at defending you from the most recent cyber dangers.
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    Methods to Ensure Good Cyber Hygiene

    In 2023, cybercriminals are expected to steal 33 billion records. As a result, good cyber hygiene is a common practice that can assist you in keeping your data safe and secure online.

    High-quality antivirus software

    Antivirus scanning regularly can help in the prevention of problems. Files will be protected from persistent internet threats if they are correctly maintained. This will also prevent files from fragmenting and resulting in data loss.


    Encryption transforms plain text into ciphertext or converts readable text into unreadable text to protect data so that only certain people can access it. Encryption scrambles or encrypts data and then utilizes a key to unscramble or decrypt the information for the receiving party. It proves to be a successful method of safeguarding sensitive data. Data on computers and storage devices and data in transit through networks are all protected with encryption.

    A strong password manager

    It is essential to have secure passwords for all of your devices. Your passwords should be unique and complicated, with at least 12 characters, including numbers, capital, lowercase letters, and symbols. Changing your passwords regularly — will help keep hackers at bay. AxCrypt provides a password management generator that ensures their passwords are strong and secure.

    Regular backup

    Backups should be kept in a distinct location from the originals and tested regularly. To securely save personal files, create a backup on a separate device (e.g., the cloud or an encrypted USB). You can encrypt your drive data with AxCrypt, which encrypts data in transit, rest, and storage. In addition, you retain control over your encryption keys, allowing you to keep command even after data has left your building.

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