Hello community,
We are ready to welcome 2021. We want to say thank you for being part of our family, for giving us feedback as protecting and ensuring data and private information together. We are very thrilled, excited to develop more updates and improvements as to ease your experience with our software.,
The core function of AxCrypt stays and remains reliable encryption of files and documents. Simple and pleasant to use for everyone, you can encrypt your private information on the cloud and access it from everywhere. Axcrypt works with PC, macOS, as iOS and androids. No matter what you can access your data in a secure way with your laptop, your tablet or your mobile phone.
Best of 2020
Master key
One of our most significant accomplishments this year was the launch of master key. Our development team was able to complete and release this new feature mid-December. Master key is a feature which enables business administrators to recover files of the business members. This eliminates the risk of losing access to critical files. As long as the business has one or a couple administrators who make sure to keep track of their credentials, no documents will ever be lost due to employees leaving or forgetting their passwords.
Website and language features
Our website has been enhanced and slightly modified to make it easier for you users to click around and search for information. We’ve also very glad to be able to put different languages at your disposal. AxCrypt is available in 12 languages and counting.
AxCrypt community
We reached 900’000 unique AxCrypt users. A huge milestone for us that makes us very proud and thankful for your devoted support and engagement with our software.
What to expect for 2021
New challenges for our team and exciting news for you!
We will continue focusing on making AxCrypt consistency better for both - private users as for businesses using our software. We are currently working on other topics to smooth and make your experience more exciting. We strive for better, faster and newer.
Quick sneak peek
New tutorial videos in different languages (English, German, French and Spanish)
Blog posts available in English and French
New language features such as Chinese
New sections on our website focusing on health care, finance, law, education and governments
Boost of AxCrypt mobile so you can open your encrypted files from your phones
Relax more, worry less
Encryption is a safe and long-lasting way to protect your data. Start 2021 on a positive note. There is no better moment than to have a look at our products and software to secure your private information. Here are the AxCrypt functions at a glance: https://www.axcrypt.net/pricing.
Don’t miss any news of AxCrypt anymore by checking out and following our socials. We are active on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. You can find helpful links, learn about new events and get an insight into our office.
With this being said, we wish you the best for 2021.
Stay healthy!
The AxCrypt team