In today’s era, data is a very important aspect and hence data security also has to be provided priority for all individuals and organizations, including IT firms, government firms, factories, businesses as well as in law firms. The legal profession is particularly vulnerable to lawyers' highly sensitive client information to be kept safe. Legal industries are very important as the responsibilities increase and hence encryption in the legal industry for credential data is too crucial. Lawyers need to be smart enough to protect clients sensitive information which is mostly not followed by law firms.
From recent years analysis it has been found that hackers have increasingly targeted law firms. It was reported that almost 2.6 terabytes of data, including 2.2 million PDF files and 3 million databases were hacked. Yet, data security in the legal industry is low; many law firms even now don’t use the most basic encryption.
More than ever before, as and when technology has become part of our lives, more than 80% of our personal and confidential information is transmitted over the Internet, exposed or disclosed. Hence, it is very important to understand the data security software required. Lots of legal industries have recently suffered major data breaches and gone through massive damage, resulting in high-profile lawsuits.
Encryption solutions for law firms deal with legislation to ensure the security and confidential transmission of information and policies to keep secure cryptographic systems out of the hands of unauthorized individuals and hackers.
Having access to that information of the clients, lawyers have to have responsibility in protecting it too.
It is required that lawyers must observe the attorney-client privilege, that is, any information shared by the client to their lawyer should remain confidential and hence any testimony or information provided by the lawyer is inadmissible in court.Lawyers have access to trade secrets, intellectual property, and fictional skeletons of their clients ' closets. Also, as file sharing through email or the internet has made it easy to communicate with customers, they also carry significant risks, especially in regards to confidentiality. And this risk of protecting their clients' information must be taken seriously by the lawyers. Attorneys who fail to protect client data properly can lose clients, damage their reputation, or can also be charged with malpractice as a result of a data breach. Because attorney data contain all the information you want in regards to the client, with less cyber security on average, law firms have become a major target of the hacker community.
Attorneys who do not use encryption on laptops, smartphones, and portable devices should consider the question: Is failure to employ what many consider to be a no-brainer solution taking competent and reasonable measures?” the ABA wrote in its 2021 TechReport.
Law firms who experienced a data breach were mainly due to weak, reused or stolen passwords. Legal work requires a high level of confidentiality and security. It is necessary for law firm's software to be protected with secure password and authentication protocol, especially while working remotely. Reduce this risk and associated costs by remembering one password – AxCrypt takes care of password management for law firm security and makes your law life easier and meets regulations.