June 4, 2021

Encryption isn’t the problem, it’s the solution

According to security and privacy specialist Bruce Schneier, “Encryption works best if it is ubiquitous and automatic. It should be enabled for everything by default, not a feature you only turn on when you’re doing something you consider worth protecting.”

Companies are vulnerable to cyber attacks if they do not comprehend modern technology or recognise the need of data protection. It is widely assumed that privacy of data is only necessary when someone has something to hide but it is not the only motive. Securing data also assists in resolving the encroaching issues of privacy and protection that both customers and companies face, as well as deterring cybercriminals who seek to steal data from the internet as no company or individual is immune to security breaches.

Encryption converts information or data into a code that is difficult to decipher by third parties. When an encoded message is intercepted by an unauthorized entity, the inflator has to guess the variables that were used in the coding. The time and difficulty of guessing this information is what makes it a valuable security tool. This coding ensures that your private or corporate data is secured even if hackers get past a firewall. Recent studies show that encryption is increasing across all industries, with 48 percent of businesses adopting some form of encryption policy.

The need of data security

Large corporations needs to be cautious about data protection

When it comes to privacy of data, big companies need to be more cautious. Because these corporations have a lot of details about their employees and business — to produce their sales and profits — they need to rely largely on privacy and security. Encryption is the key to taking back data control.

Customers' digital information must be safeguarded.

Most businesses collect digital information from their customers; it is the obligation of the business to keep that data secure, information should not fall into the hands of other businesses or cyber criminals.

Defense against government intervention

Businesses and consumers can employ encryption to protect themselves from government eavesdropping, rendering any attempts to decrypt correspondence or intellectual property. If the information is encrypted, law enforcement and government agencies cannot access it without obtaining the key from the data owner, therefore the government prohibits enterprises from using proper encrypted communications.

Benefits of encryption aren't restricted to online use

You can encrypt data on your computer, hard discs, USB drives, mobile devices, and other devices as well. Even if the device is hacked, lost, or stolen, this will prevent the data from being misused.

Any Wi-Fi connection can be intercepted by an intruder

Using Wi-Fi to connect to the internet is convenient, but there is always a trade-off in terms of security, as an intruder will be able to intercept any connection, potentially resulting in the theft of important data. Therefore, in order to protect data transported between sites, it is vital to encrypt it.

Encryption presumptions

High Cost

Securing files online is perceived to be exceedingly expensive, therefore directors and executives are hesitant to acknowledge its importance and, as a result, put any expenditures on hold.

Reduces Productivity

Many people assume that encrypting data lengthens the time it takes to retrieve and examine information, lowering efficiency.

Only works when the server is down

People have the misconception that encryption only works when the server is turned off and the operating system decrypts sensitive data for anyone who is logged in when the server is operational, including burglars.

Complicated to use

A large number of companies don’t want their data encrypted because it is believed that coding digital files is too complicated to use. Security of files is deemed to be difficult to set up and confusing for individuals. Employees frequently disable it or share decrypted keys insecurely, rendering the overall implementation useless.

Encryption is Impregnable

Protects data from third party interference

Encryption is a technique for safeguarding sensitive data. This protects anonymity and privacy, lowering the chances of thieves and government agencies spying on you. You can encrypt data while it's in transit, used, or stored. You can keep control of your data even after it has left your building if you have your encryption keys.

Accessible in various devices

With the rise in popularity of digital devices in recent years, many businesses have struggled to find a solution for keeping the data saved and transmitted through several devices. However, contemporary encryption technology software helps to ensure that all data and all of your electronic devices are secure.

Key Sharing

With the key sharing feature, you can share files without the need to share passwords. Instead, you can share file keys to specific colleagues to give them access to particular files. Then, they can easily browse or edit the shared file. Even more so, it allows you to unshare the file to remove the person's access quickly.

Cloud Security

Moving sensitive data to the cloud is a topic of concern for everyone, and most businesses believe that the cloud is unsafe. However, if you encrypt data before sending it to the cloud and have possession of the encryption keys, you can be assured that your data will be safe regardless of its surroundings.

Secure backup and File Wipe

Encryption gives you peace of mind that your backups are secure. There is almost little chance of recovering any data from these backups without access to encryption keys. Encryption also aids in the secure destruction of data, ensuring that your files cannot be recovered or restored. Check out AxCrypt's "file wipe" functionality, which safely deletes files and is available for both premium and business subscribers. Read more on our Feature Page.

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