January 12, 2021

Social Dilemma

A big trend on Netflix

Do you use Netflix? If you have a Netflix account, you have probably heard of the recently released documentary “The Social Dilemma”, which touches on the significant advantages of social media. Google, Apple, YouTube, Facebook and all these tools have made wonderful things a reality. Reuniting family members, enabling effective communication and enhancing our connectivity are only ones of the meaningful systemic changes that this innovating industry has brought. Nevertheless this increasing polarization does not only have advantages. As highlighted in the documentary people are sometimes a little too naïve about the flip side of that coin.

Guaranteed security

Everything you do online is being tracked, measured and analysed. You might feel it is now time for you to take your personal security more seriously. It is time to understand the dangers of having your personal information leaked to those who have an ulterior motive. Hackers can easily take advantage of vulnerable breach to your computer and get access to your emails, documents or files to later use it for malicious purposes. To avoid having a breach in your personal data and have a complete online security and peace of mind; encrypt your files with AxCrypt to keep your private information safe!

Encryption Backdoor

By converting your private information into a secret code that hides the information's true meaning, you make it almost impossible for an intruder to decrypt it to plaintext. When an encrypted message is intercepted by an unauthorized entity, the inflator has to guess the variables that were used to encrypt the message. The time and difficulty of guessing this information is what makes encryption such a valuable security tool; take the data, run it through an encryption algorithm, and it's unreadable to anyone who doesn't possess the right key to reverse the process. Used by the military and governments, encryption is a longstanding way of protecting data in transit and data at rest as well as restricting access when access controls aren't sufficient. Few technologies come as close as encryption to nearly unbreakable data security. The use of encryption is almost as old as the art of communication itself and it provides confidentiality, authentication and integrity.


File encryption plays a major role in enterprises regardless of industry or size and with the complexity of cyber attacks being on continual growth, companies might consider gaining extra peace of mind and security with an encryption software. Files would not only be organized and easily accessible but also safe from threats that lurk in the virtual realm.

Luckily here at AxCrypt our number one priority is ensuring the safety of our customers. We provide organizations guaranteed safety with all their files across any device; your data will be kept safe and secure with us. If you haven’t checked out our software yet, click here to read more about our Premium and Business subscription plans: https://axcrypt.net/information/axcrypt/

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