Secure Your Passwords, Cards, and Notes with AES-256. Access, Share and Sync from Any Device!


Unlimited Passwords

Unlimited Passwords
Generate and save unlimited number of passwords, cards, and notes.

Stronger Encryption With AES-256

AES-256 Encryption
Your passwords are encrypted with the strongest algorithm.

Multiple Devices

Multiple Devices
Sync across unlimited devices, including phones & web.

Secure Sharing

Secure Sharing
Securely share passwords, cards, and notes with multiple people at the same time.

GDPR Compliant

GDPR Compliant
Your data is safe and regulated with stringent data laws.

Offline and Exports

Offline and Exports
Access your data offline and securely export in .csv format.

Get Password Manager
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Per month

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PricingFeatureListAES256 AES-256 Encryption
PricingFeatureListUnlimitedPasswords Save unlimited passwords
PricingFeatureListSecureCreditCards Secure credit cards
PricingFeatureListSecureNotes Secure notes
PricingFeatureListSecuresharing Secure sharing
PricingFeatureListUnlimitedDevices Unlimited devices
PricingFeatureListstrongPasswords Generate strong passwords
PricingFeatureListGDPRCompliant GDPR compliant
PricingFeatureListSecuredPrivateServers Secured Private Servers
PricingFeatureListOffline Offline Access and Exportable Data

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