By fostering a culture of security and privacy, encryption has established itself in the modern digital sphere. The amount of data that different encryption techniques can process simultaneously and the type of key required to decrypt data vary. DES, AES, and RSA are the three main forms of encryption, but some are preferable to others. In 2001, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm replaced the Data Encryption Standard (DES) as the accepted global standard for encryption algorithms. This improved upon many of the drawbacks of the earlier method. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) has so far met the goals set for it at the time of its creation. Officials in the government and other organisations utilise it because it is the recognized industry standard algorithm and the most secure sort of encryption.
AES is a symmetric block cipher with a 128-bit key length that encrypts a 128-bit message into a 128-bit cipher text. The key's bit size options are 128, 192, or 256 in ascending order. It is simpler to analyse than other devices that only have one bit in and one bit out.
Additionally, AES prefers to arrange things in a 4 by 4 grid for a 128 bit, which is equivalent to 16 bits in a 4x4 grid, as opposed to a long line of bits as most ciphers could do. AES replaces bytes, shifts rows, and mixes columns from a plain text by using a portion of its key.
The first component is the substitution, the second is the permeation, and finally, we would add a round key at the conclusion of each round that is equivalent to the first round. But for a 128 bit encryption, it goes through 10 of these rounds, a 192 bit encryption, 12, and a 256 bit encryption, 14.
Most contemporary encryption algorithms, protocols, and technologies use AES 256-bit, which is among the safest and most secure encryption techniques after 128-bit and 192-bit encryption.
A 256-bit encrypted message would take two-256 distinct combinations to be broken, making it practically hard for hackers or crackers and even the fastest computers to do so. However, it is also used for sensitive and critical information like financial, military, or government held data. Typically, 256-bit encryption is used for data in transit, data at rest, or a network or internet connection. You may feel secure knowing that your data is protected at the highest degree of encryption, AES 256.